As you became a STUDY IN ambassador, you may be contacted for advice by international students who would like to apply for studying in the Czech Republic. This document will help you to prepare the best answer for the student in order to provide him/her the most correct and relevant information possible. You may also follow up and get inspired by other FAQ at our website here.
When answering please respect also the basic rules we have sent you after your registration (timely answer, STUDY IN website reference, information flow and GDPR protection).
To apply for a study programme, you first need to select a specific university that offers your desired study programme and then apply directly to the university, respecting its application process.
For information on available study programmes, please use our finder at https://portal.studyin.cz/ where you can search for and discover a range of study programmes offered by Czech universities. Just insert the keyword of your interest – e.g. _________ and browse through the options.
You can find a step-by-step guide that will help you in getting started with your application at our website https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/how-to-apply/.
Please note that universities are independent bodies and each university sets its own application requirements and deadlines.
- Medicine
In the Czech Republic it is necessary to first take a 6-years long Master degree programme in General Medicine, before specializing in a certain field. If you already possess a similar Master degree from your country, you can apply for a Doctoral degree programme.
Recommendation: If you get asked about specific degree programme at your or any other Czech university, please make sure to forward a link with contact information to that concrete specific university study department as only the person working there knows the most valid and correct answer. If you happen to struggle finding the study department contact, reach out to us and we will gladly help you.
The list of scholarship opportunities is available at the website https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/scholarships/, have a look there is you are eligible to apply. Another option would be to learn the Czech language first, as then you can study in the Czech language at public universities for free.
You should also consult the scholarships options with the university of your choice, as some of the most common scholarships assigned to students are for accommodation, excellent study results or a traineeship /study exchange abroad, etc. There also exists the web portal where you can find other available scholarship opportunities https://www.scholarshipportal.com/.
You can find more information about tuition fees at Czech universities at our website https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/tuition-fees/.
The tuition fees differ according to the study programme and university.
You will find specific fees for each study programme in our programme finder at https://portal.studyin.cz/ or you can browse our Catalogue in PDF, where most universities have their profile, incl. information about the range of tuition fees https://www.studyin.cz/publications/32-catalogue-of-higher-education-institutions/.
You can find a range of Czech language courses for foreigners at the website here: https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/language-preparation/.
If you wish to study in the Czech language, some Czech universities offer preparatory courses that can help you master the language and prepare you for studies at universities in the Czech Republic. These preparatory courses are usually paid, but there may be exceptions (e.g. preparatory language course as a part of a government scholarship https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/scholarships/).
If you want to study at a university in the Czech Republic, you need to have your previous completed study recognized by the Czech recognition authority. The process of recognition of education attained differs according to the level of education which you need to have recognized.
You can read more on this topic at https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/recognition/.
In the case of recognition of elementary, secondary or higher (not university) education (“nostrification”), you can find the instructions here: http://nostrifikace.mkc.cz/en/uznavani-pro-studium//nostrifikace.
In the case of recognition of university education (“recognition of higher education and qualification”), you can find the instructions here: http://nostrifikace.mkc.cz/en/uznavani-pro-studium/akademicke-uznavani.
Besides, we recommend you to follow the website of the Czech Ministry of Education, where you can find information on how to proceed in case of recognition of foreign basic, secondary and tertiary professional education, or in case of recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications: http://www.msmt.cz/eu-and-international-affairs/uznavani-kvalifikaci.
You can also learn more in the brochure "Recognition of Foreign Education and Qualifications in the Czech Republic“ which is a complex guide about the process of the recognition of foreign education and/or qualification: http://www.msmt.cz/eu-and-international-affairs/brochure-recognition-of-foreign-education-and-qualifications. In this brochure you will find relevant contacts in case of further questions.
Detailed information about the procedure of recognition of foreign higher education procedure is also available here: http://www.msmt.cz/areas-of-work/tertiary-education/recognition-of-foreign-higher-education-in-the-czech.
Your previous education should be recognized before or latest while applying for a university. A copy of the recognition certificate is one of the admission requirements, so that the university knows that your education is equal to the education in the Czech Republic. If you don’t have it yet at the point of making the application, universities might give you some time to hand it in later, but they will need it by a certain date when they make the admission decision.
Please make sure to check with your selected university by which date they need to receive the document of recognition. If you have already selected a programme or university, we recommend that you check the details on their website thoroughly or get in touch with an admissions officer that can advise you.
Ministry of Education contact for nostrification:
Mgr. Petra Košuličová
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Odbor středního a vyššího odborného vzdělávání a institucionální výchovy
Oddělení všeobecného vzdělávání
Tel: (+420) 234 811 703
e-mail: Petra.Kosulicova@msmt.cz
Superlegalization is a higher authentication of a public document which confirms that the document was issued by the relevant authority. Superlegalization is being done by verification of the signature, official stamp or official seal on the document. Certain documents (birth certificates, criminal records, university diplomas etc.) that are to be used and submitted in the Czech Republic for various reasons (e.g. visa application) are required to be superlegalized.
You can read more at http://nostrifikace.mkc.cz/en/slovnicek-pojmu/superlegalizace. The procedure is provided by the competent Embassy of the Czech Republic abroad, their list is available at http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/diplomatic_missions/index.html.
Our website provides all the general information about visa and entry formalities https://www.studyin.cz/live-work/entry-formalities/.
You can find detailed information about different types of visa and relevant procedures on the websites of the Czech Ministry of the Interior http://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/immigration.aspx or the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/information_for_aliens.
Whether you need a visa depends on your nationality. Our website provides general information about entry formalities. It is not within Study in competence to expedite the visa issuance / appointment process. Long-term visa and residence permits processing is solely under the authority of our Embassies abroad and the Czech Ministry of the Interior which follows a rigorous process.
More information about finding a job in the Czech Republic while or after studies at the university is available at our website https://www.studyin.cz/live-work/work/.
We recommend you to try the Erasmus Intern portal https://erasmusintern.org/, that was created by the Erasmus Student Network with the support of the European Commission and provides interesting internships offers in Europe. The offer of internships in the Czech Republic is available at https://erasmusintern.org/traineeships?search_api_views_fulltext=&field_traineeship_full_location_field_traineeship_location_count=219.
You can also check some popular job portals in the Czech Republic, the links are available at our website https://www.studyin.cz/live-work/work/.
You can find a list of higher education institutions that are offering study programmes accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education at our website https://portal.studyin.cz/find-your-institution/ and at the website of the Ministry of Education http://www.msmt.cz/vzdelavani/vysoke-skolstvi/prehled-vysokych-skol-v-cr-3. Next to these officially recognized institutions offering study programmes accredited in the Czech Republic, there is a number of institutions offering foreign degrees.
According to the law, those, who intend to provide education in a foreign higher education study programme in the Czech Republic, are obliged to register at the Ministry. Detailed information on the foreign universities, including a list of study programs for which they have fulfilled an obligation to provide information / have been granted a national permit, is available in the Register of Universities http://krakatau.uiv.cz/registrvssp/zvssp.aspx.
There is a difference between degree programmes offered by Czech higher education institutions accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the Czech Republic (which are examined by the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education https://www.nauvs.cz/index.php/en/) and foreign degrees offered by foreign institutions residing in the Czech Republic but registered with the Ministry. While they may be registered as a foreign institution providing higher education in the Czech Republic, their programmes are accredited elsewhere.
Institutions offering programmes accredited abroad might have very different reasons for this. They could be cooperating with very good universities/accreditation bodies (this is often the case of MBA programmes) or they might not be able to acquire local accreditation. It is therefore good to always check and research the specific accreditation of the different programmes.