Získej informace o českém vysokoškolském systému, univerzitách a studentském životě! Naše informační materiály pomohou jak mezinárodním studentům, kteří mají zájem o studium v Česku, tak profesionálům, kteří hledají partnerské univerzity v Česku pro budoucí spolupráci.

Czech Higher Education
This brochure is a great tool for professionals as well as international students. You will learn how the Czech higher education system works,…
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Study in Czechia
Why is Czechia the #smartchoice? Join the community of more than 50,000 international students and find out more about studying in Czechia! …
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Czechia Alumni
Explore professional development, networking, and growth opportunities with Czechia Alumni. Download the flyer now to see how our national alumni…
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Map of Czech universities
Czech universities offer over 1,000 programmes in English. Choose what you´d like to study and where using the Study in Czechia portal! This map…
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Studying and living in Czechia from the perspective of international students II
This national report presents the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in late 2022 and early 2023. The aim of the study was to assess the…
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Survey among international alumni of Czech universities
The first survey among international graduates of Czech universities and participants of study stays in Czechia focused on their relationship with…
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Studying and living in the Czech Republic from the perspective of foreign students
This national report presents the results of a survey conducted at the end of 2019 to evaluate activities promoting Czechia as a study destination…
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